Number of Volumes 9
Number of Issues 34
Number of Articles 225
Average First Action 1 Day
Average Review Date 19 Days
Average Time to Accept 177 Days
Acceptance Rate 68
PDF Download 95,638
View Per Article 502.41
Number of Indexing Databases 8
h-Index 9

Last Update Date: 11 May 2024

با سلام خدمت پژوهشگران محترم

با توجه به انتقال  این مجله به سامانه سند (سکوی نشر دانش)، خواهشمند است جهت ثبت نام و ارسال مقاله جدید به آدرس مراجعه نمایید.


Open Access: All Papers Freely Available

Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures (JOPN) cited to the Islamic Republic of Iran,s .Ministry of Science, Research and Technology letter dated 10 February 2016, has scientific research grade (under letter number 3/18/240572).

This journal is following the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This journal is published under the Attribution 4.0  International (CC BY 4.0) License and authors are expected to be aware of publication ethics regarding authorship, dual submission, plagiarism, competing interests, research ethics, etc. according to the rules of this committee.

All accepted articles in this journal will be reviewed through the similarity software before the acceptance and publication process.

Based on the evaluation of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) in 2021 this publication has been ranked Q1 and according to the evaluation and ranking results of the year 1400, announced by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Quarterly Journal of New Materials has been ranked "A".

Journal of optoelectronical nanostructures (JOPN) is published jointly with the Iranian solar energy society and based on a memorandum of understanding concluded in this regard.

Current Issue: Volume 9, Issue 3 - Serial Number 28, August 2024